Friday, May 28, 2010

Size Of Trowel Used For 4x4 Tile

Repeat: Let

Because Women who know Latin, go to the forum on "Violence and Media" on Saturday May 29, repeat the "Let's Talk About Love", which has been among the most Comments by our cyber listeners and the most liked.
hope you enjoy it again and we keep listening.
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

U Control Helicopter Spins

love Programme 45: "Alternative Medicine in the treatment of human papilloma virus"

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What are the El Alto to cure the injury caused by the human papilloma virus? Can we have access to less invasive and painful? What options do we offer alternative medicine in this regard? Saturday May 22 at 12 hrs. talk about Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Human Papilloma Virus.
have the presence of Prof.. Rossana Castellanos, who will talk about ozone therapy in the treatment of HIV and of other conditions more.
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wellbutrin Sr And Cipralex

Non-discrimination, a utopia?

Photo: Harman Rubio

Text By: Ana Hazel Ríos Zúñiga
reading a national newspaper, drew my attention to a story about two female Tzeltal Indians, native to the state of Chiapas who had the occurrence of a walk in an exclusive commercial center of the city of Mexico, specifically in the area of \u200b\u200bPolanco, Cecilia, and Petrona, they set a later get to the mall, "Antara Polanco" and before the incredulous eyes of security personnel wanted to take pictures, but the staff prevented them.
walked through the mall, entered very elegant boutiques, bags and shoes, and of course could not buy anything because of the high cost of the items sold there.
ride lasted three hours before prying eyes and even outraged by his presence there, teasing and whispered comments were swift, and not be said of excessive surveillance, they needed several stitches, or perhaps, aware of the fact, preferred to leave passing the incident, to enjoy, at least visually, of the luxuries offered by the mall.
The case of these women could be an anecdote of the many that exist on ethnic discrimination, but the worrying thing is that what we "freak", leads us to do what we do not like us to do.
is precisely this fear of something different which leads to discrimination, probably in a very subtle disguise, but in the end it is about discrimination especialistas_ _dijeran the "low level".
In general, women, indigenous, disabled, seniors, gays and religious minorities feel discriminated against. But the disabled and homosexuals who live with this social rejection throughout his life.
The first and only National Survey on Discrimination in Mexico by the federal government in 2006, yielded interesting information on the subject, and in relation to the Indians, came to the conclusion that, at first glance, the average Mexican does not gives unequal treatment the indigenous population, in fact, there is a deal of consideration for this group, however, still permeates a culture of discrimination of the average Mexican.
In this survey, 43% believe that the Indians will always have a social limitation for their racial characteristics, while one of every three Mexicans think that all you have to make the Indians out of poverty is not behaving as indigenous. The most astonishing result is that the Mexicans ask if they would accept that a group of Indians was established near their community, 40% of respondents would be willing to organize with others to request that would enable the indigenous group established nearby.
In our country, and in the world, unfortunately we stigmatize people by their appearance, race, language, education, sexual preference, color or religion, as if only there was a way of seeing the world as if you had the truth absolute one way or another we are all born different, different in physical appearance, personality, ideology, in tastes and preferences in the way they walk, dress and interact with others, and respect this diversity we can live in harmony, always taking basic principle of coexistence, tolerance.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Swollen Ankles And Drinking

Programme 45: The Wraith of San Bruno for mayor. Program

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This Saturday, May 14 WOMEN miss not know Latin. At this time we will talk with the barges and spokesmen Wraith San Bruno, Silver and Miguel, as well as our dear friend Javier Alpizar, about the "political stage" of the mind which, as you know, throwing and walking candidate for mayor ... Dezo of Xalapa. It uses laugh, mourn and dream ... Chintan always ... Visit us at Radio Liberty at 12 days.

Friday, May 7, 2010

7mm Kidney Stone In Uvj

anniversary: \u200b\u200bOne year and counting ... Program

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With so much to celebrate, women who know Latin is a year of broadcasts by Radio Liberty
. Saturday May 8
not miss our festival program. Contact, mada greetings, congratulations and
involved. Thanks to all s, and we will continue to air a little more ....