Friday, July 30, 2010

Gretchen Rossi In Monokini

Programme 52: End of Season

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After this long and fruitful way, we parted for a moment, now remember all the good times, not so good and those who will have to learn the important, the reflexive, which made us dream, remember, angry, planning and thinking on the long road we need to go.
We want to continue in his memory and in contact with you, we will not only put a pause to organize and keep with you with more energy and more commitment.
End of season and see you soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mud Wrestling Restrautant Nyc

Program 51: Women of the old

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Since the beginning of time the image of women has been addressed from different perspectives: as an archetype, a symbol, and even as a myth. The evidence we have of ancient cultures, reveal little of the vision that the world had muejres, their philosophy, their way of life and thinking. There have been many women who founded civilizations and contributed to the development of science and human knowledge, but little is known about them. In women who know Latin, try to recover the ancient legacy of those women who, among other things, knew Latin.
Escúhcanos by Radio Liberty and participate with us:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Avatar The Last Airbender Boob Sizes

Program 50: Election 2010.

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electroral in view of the process Veracruz, who make up the electoral roll soulless proposals see: more of the same. Candidates for president and deputy municipal @ s @ s @ s engaged in a meaningless verbiage, not wanting wanting, it offends us while making us reflect on the fortunes spent on "campaigns" and the broken of our pockets. Especially
are campaigns that confront us with the questions "who to vote for?" "Is it worth going to the box on Sunday?" "Est candidat @ s @ s represent the democratic process in which allegedly live?"
on these and other questions (and some other chacoteo), will be addressed in women who know Latin on Saturday July 3 at 12 days (Mexico time). As always, Liberty Radio, Internet Radio