Friday, July 30, 2010

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Programme 52: End of Season

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After this long and fruitful way, we parted for a moment, now remember all the good times, not so good and those who will have to learn the important, the reflexive, which made us dream, remember, angry, planning and thinking on the long road we need to go.
We want to continue in his memory and in contact with you, we will not only put a pause to organize and keep with you with more energy and more commitment.
End of season and see you soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010

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Program 51: Women of the old

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Since the beginning of time the image of women has been addressed from different perspectives: as an archetype, a symbol, and even as a myth. The evidence we have of ancient cultures, reveal little of the vision that the world had muejres, their philosophy, their way of life and thinking. There have been many women who founded civilizations and contributed to the development of science and human knowledge, but little is known about them. In women who know Latin, try to recover the ancient legacy of those women who, among other things, knew Latin.
Escúhcanos by Radio Liberty and participate with us:

Friday, July 2, 2010

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Program 50: Election 2010.

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electroral in view of the process Veracruz, who make up the electoral roll soulless proposals see: more of the same. Candidates for president and deputy municipal @ s @ s @ s engaged in a meaningless verbiage, not wanting wanting, it offends us while making us reflect on the fortunes spent on "campaigns" and the broken of our pockets. Especially
are campaigns that confront us with the questions "who to vote for?" "Is it worth going to the box on Sunday?" "Est candidat @ s @ s represent the democratic process in which allegedly live?"
on these and other questions (and some other chacoteo), will be addressed in women who know Latin on Saturday July 3 at 12 days (Mexico time). As always, Liberty Radio, Internet Radio

Saturday, June 26, 2010

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civic reflection program 49: For the life and Rights of Women: Amendments to the Criminal Code of Veracruz

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The Criminal Code Amendments to fueronaprobadas Veracruz on 2 April, are a very important step quegarantiza better access to justice for women nuestroestado. However, it is important that everyone know Whatare these reforms, who and how to apply and what are the penalties for the aggressors, and thus require a elderecho of all are met comprehensively. This Saturday 26 dejunio not miss this exciting program in Women SabenLatín, promptly at 12 noon on Radio Liberty.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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Program 48: "Architecture and Gender" column

Listen to this PROGRAM HERE:
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Architecture is the stage for life, therefore, is the framework that gives us obstacles or opportunities to develop as human beings. Women have begun to become increasingly involved in the design of spaces and make our vision and sensitivity to create buildings and public spaces, but has not always been so, most of the architecture to develop our life has been conceived by men and as women have had to adapt to it. Thinking about this, we wonder: Is it about the genre with the way we perceive the space? What are the spaces which female and male? How does the contemporary architecture to the needs, desires and memories of women?
try these and other ideas on Saturday June 19 on "Women who know Latin" with the theme: "Architecture and Gender" by Radio Liberty, internet radio. Listen and participate with us.

As were some comments in the pipeline, and the audio on the professional work of architects without going into the air, here we left the full interviews that were made to the architects: Miriam Remessa, Polyhymnia Zechariah, Ana María Moreno, Sonia Estrada and Laura Mendoza Kaplan. We hope you enjoy them.

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"Women who know Latin" in the Heraldo de Xalapa.

women who know Latin

By Yadira Hidalgo

"Women who know Latin or are husband and has a good end, "warns an old proverb stressing the" dangers "involved transgressing the ideal society through the centuries, has imposed on women. For a long time to become a maid or be branded as crazy were concerns that getting them up at night with the girls, even those who came to know Latin, Greek and other languages, although women who enjoy learning and knowledge, I wondered if it would not run something wrong with them, whether it would be normal to find pleasure in reading, writing and research.

Charlotte Bronte, sister of the famous writers whose name is a reference in English literature, sent some verses of the poet Southey authorship. He replied that they were good but that literature could and should be the goal in the life of a woman. This plunged the writer in a tremendous depression, she "knew better than to write" and tried to resign themselves trying to perform the duties and interest in women's own dictated by the society of his time. But could not. Fortunately for literature, the Bronte sisters always preferred the ink and paper over the needle and thread.

Thus, the transgression has been a way for women who consciously or unconsciously passes and, though difficult and fraught with obstacles, is also full of joyful experiences. Thanks to women who transgressed the rules imposed on their status at different times, is that we can admire the works of art, learning the depth of his thought, to benefit from their knowledge and research, but above all reflected in their lives, their aspirations and their goals.

Few women that history has known in its annals, but have gradually been appearing some time in their lives that left a mark which is sought to erase the old trick of invisibility to which they have been subjected expressions, activities and achievements of women. Examples are many in different historical moments, but one that is close to us because it is our history and the dates that run are the women who gave body and soul to the exploits of independence and the Mexican Revolution.

Angela Jimenez joined the Revolution where he became an explosives expert, the anarchist Margarita Ortega was shot by Huerta's troops have not betrayed their comrades, even under torture. Altagracia Mercado formed and led an army with its own resources during the Independence movement Luisa Martinez defended to death when she was shot for his political activities.

Thus, "The Latin "mentioned in the popular saying, and maybe not all of these women knew or spoke, refers to the offense with which they lived their lives and faced the world. From different areas and with tools as diverse as spoken or written word, art, ideas and a deep and often not understood intelligence.

Thus, from this space to welcome women and men who know they need to continue seeking the most appropriate order for everything in this world. That is what women who know Latin, a radio program that airs every Saturday from 12 noon to 1 pm on Radio Liberty in, and since now becomes a weekly column. Thanks to all.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

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Program 47: What the film has told us

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"What the film has told us?" Selfless or female vampire (yes, like the movie Ghost), on the big screen have invented various ways to define, classify us or show us in our diversity. Join us on Saturday, June 12 (12hrs), talks about the image of women in film. Freedom Radio, Internet Radio

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What To Say To Abachalorette

Programme 46: "Ladies' Bar" photographic series Women of the program

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Ladies' Bar is the result of photographic work that John Sevigny performed for more than 10 months in some of the most sordid bars of Guadalajara. The photographs in this collection were taken in small bars frequented by criminals, drug addicts and alcoholics aggressive, people with whom women who work there, have to live and cope. Sevigny focused on women working in bars as prostitutes either or file, as a way to create a metaphor for the treatment of many men give women ...
This Saturday in women who know Latin, do not miss the talk with the photographer John Sevigny. 12 noon on Radio Liberty.

Friday, May 28, 2010

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Repeat: Let

Because Women who know Latin, go to the forum on "Violence and Media" on Saturday May 29, repeat the "Let's Talk About Love", which has been among the most Comments by our cyber listeners and the most liked.
hope you enjoy it again and we keep listening.
Your feedback is important to us, send them to:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

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love Programme 45: "Alternative Medicine in the treatment of human papilloma virus"

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What are the El Alto to cure the injury caused by the human papilloma virus? Can we have access to less invasive and painful? What options do we offer alternative medicine in this regard? Saturday May 22 at 12 hrs. talk about Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Human Papilloma Virus.
have the presence of Prof.. Rossana Castellanos, who will talk about ozone therapy in the treatment of HIV and of other conditions more.
Your participation is very important. Chat with us
Listen to live by Radio Liberty, internet radio

If you listen to previous programs, go to
Join us!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

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Non-discrimination, a utopia?

Photo: Harman Rubio

Text By: Ana Hazel Ríos Zúñiga
reading a national newspaper, drew my attention to a story about two female Tzeltal Indians, native to the state of Chiapas who had the occurrence of a walk in an exclusive commercial center of the city of Mexico, specifically in the area of \u200b\u200bPolanco, Cecilia, and Petrona, they set a later get to the mall, "Antara Polanco" and before the incredulous eyes of security personnel wanted to take pictures, but the staff prevented them.
walked through the mall, entered very elegant boutiques, bags and shoes, and of course could not buy anything because of the high cost of the items sold there.
ride lasted three hours before prying eyes and even outraged by his presence there, teasing and whispered comments were swift, and not be said of excessive surveillance, they needed several stitches, or perhaps, aware of the fact, preferred to leave passing the incident, to enjoy, at least visually, of the luxuries offered by the mall.
The case of these women could be an anecdote of the many that exist on ethnic discrimination, but the worrying thing is that what we "freak", leads us to do what we do not like us to do.
is precisely this fear of something different which leads to discrimination, probably in a very subtle disguise, but in the end it is about discrimination especialistas_ _dijeran the "low level".
In general, women, indigenous, disabled, seniors, gays and religious minorities feel discriminated against. But the disabled and homosexuals who live with this social rejection throughout his life.
The first and only National Survey on Discrimination in Mexico by the federal government in 2006, yielded interesting information on the subject, and in relation to the Indians, came to the conclusion that, at first glance, the average Mexican does not gives unequal treatment the indigenous population, in fact, there is a deal of consideration for this group, however, still permeates a culture of discrimination of the average Mexican.
In this survey, 43% believe that the Indians will always have a social limitation for their racial characteristics, while one of every three Mexicans think that all you have to make the Indians out of poverty is not behaving as indigenous. The most astonishing result is that the Mexicans ask if they would accept that a group of Indians was established near their community, 40% of respondents would be willing to organize with others to request that would enable the indigenous group established nearby.
In our country, and in the world, unfortunately we stigmatize people by their appearance, race, language, education, sexual preference, color or religion, as if only there was a way of seeing the world as if you had the truth absolute one way or another we are all born different, different in physical appearance, personality, ideology, in tastes and preferences in the way they walk, dress and interact with others, and respect this diversity we can live in harmony, always taking basic principle of coexistence, tolerance.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Swollen Ankles And Drinking

Programme 45: The Wraith of San Bruno for mayor. Program

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This Saturday, May 14 WOMEN miss not know Latin. At this time we will talk with the barges and spokesmen Wraith San Bruno, Silver and Miguel, as well as our dear friend Javier Alpizar, about the "political stage" of the mind which, as you know, throwing and walking candidate for mayor ... Dezo of Xalapa. It uses laugh, mourn and dream ... Chintan always ... Visit us at Radio Liberty at 12 days.

Friday, May 7, 2010

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anniversary: \u200b\u200bOne year and counting ... Program

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With so much to celebrate, women who know Latin is a year of broadcasts by Radio Liberty
. Saturday May 8
not miss our festival program. Contact, mada greetings, congratulations and
involved. Thanks to all s, and we will continue to air a little more ....

Friday, April 30, 2010

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43: s obesity among

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This Saturday join us May 1 to talk to s obesity, what interests them, their desires, their fears, their aspirations, their way of seeing the world. L @ \u200b\u200bs @ s Niñ XXI century talk with us and with all our audience. I hope, hear radio freedom. @ S
'll have guests luxury, girls and boys' talk with us and share their world.

Friday, April 23, 2010

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Programme 42: Childhood Program has

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This Saturday, April 24 will address the theme: "Child Account" will discuss the working children, their status, their rights and talked with people involved in the organization MATRACA. Listen

at 12 days (Mexico time) on Radio Liberty, internet radio
For us your opinion is very important, write and chat with
us Add us to your Facebook! Join us as women who know Latin MQSL

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How Does A Scorpio Guy Behave

For the campaign to promote the conference did create a Spot Blanquerna aimed at potential sponsors. This is the result:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

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41: Transsexualism, gender identity-break "

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To have the body of man or woman is the sign of the difference par excellence? What happens when we reinvented our bodies, our gender and sexual identity? Men and women who have reinvented themselves as individuals and human beings have exercised with courage the right to decide over their bodies and their lives, looking beyond what we could have ever imagined.
This Saturday 17 April, women who know Latin ... chat around the topic "Transsexualism, gender identity-breaking." With our guest, Silvia Susana Jiménez, try to build and deepen some answers about transsexuality. Listen
at 12 days (Mexico time) on Radio Liberty, internet radio
For us your opinion is very important, write and chat with us
Add us to your Facebook! Join us as women who know Latin MQSL

Friday, April 9, 2010

After Waxing When Can I Shower

Program 40: The fate of the consort

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This Saturday April 10th at 12 noon (Mexico time), listen to women who know Latin with the theme "The fate of the spouse, talk about the role of so-called" first ladies ", women who have been with, sometimes against their will, the mandate of their husbands, presidents of Mexico and elsewhere.

Your opinion is important to us, write to:
radio and hear us freedom, Internet radio:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shingles And Blood In Stool

Program 39: Women's Totonacapan

(Wait a minute 11:30 and hear the program)
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How do they live their status as women totonac? Do you keep their ancestral traditions or have made changes in their work and female gender identity? What is the perspective on her body, sexuality and gender relations? In these and other questions discussed in our next program, where we as a guest Mtra. Bethia Rodriguez, who will present his book "Women in Veracruz Totonac." Listen
Saturday March 27 at 12 pm (Mexico time), for RadioLibertad, the Internet radio

Friday, March 19, 2010

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It's amazing that the government thus cape progress. That feeling of freedom you have left with the censorship of the web? Panda retrograde.

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Programme 38: Let's talk about love

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Love is one of the issues have been addressed with more emphasis and passion from literature, theater, music, painting and even science.
Despite being an everyday affair still have many edges mystery to many of us @ s @ s.

Many myths revolve around love: Is there only a great love for every human being? Is it true that we are incomplete @ s without our other half? Is it true that love is to sacrifice everything?

These and other questions the board on Saturday March 20 with the theme: "Let's talk about love." Listen
through Radio Liberty, Internet radio:

Your opinion is important to us, add us to msn or write to:
mujeresquesabenlatin @ hotmail.
com and give us high in Facebook as "Mujeresquesabenlatin Mqsl"

As promised


Thursday, March 18, 2010

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So I lived the days Blanquerna 2010

has only been a week of days Blanquerna and I have made giant strides. Suddenly a curtain has opened my eyes and I was in the middle of a big stage. Before this the future unclear, undefined. He's there! I was able tame. Look him in the face and say that I am one of the gear needed to operate the machinery. In the days no one has told me ... but what I felt.

all began as begins the great experiences ... RINNNG, alarm clock blows my bed. Quick shower, breakfast and last sip of coffee. I'm ready.

Blanquerna The doors were full of students doing puffs waiting time between the first conference. Some were still unclear on picking. I had no doubt about it, "How to advertise on social networks? It was the first stop on my journey of three days.

wanted a good place so I went fast and I sat in the front rows. A few more quick minute and ... finally begins!

The room was flooded with social platforms, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and many other occupied Tuenti our ears for more than an hour. The experience was unique. I left wanting to open my laptop and start working my picture on the Internet, take references, to fill my contact lists and begin connecting with the various professionals that drive the world of communication. Clear to me that the Internet is an unstoppable monster that is here to stay and that will be our future. The Internet offers endless possibilities and new businesses that makes them adapt and stay constantly updated. Has anyone invented a gadget physically connect to the computer and download the latest driver update? Oskar v.3.1

That night one of the speakers, Ruben Staff, gave me a sentence "summary" via Twitter: "Listen, Think Different, provides content, generates engagement y. .. Ride the wave! ". Later I thanked the press release that hung in my blog which was visited by over 400 people that night also my list of followers had increased more than 50%. Yes, after the conference I went to do homework.

started Handheld to take some photos of ambientillo generated in the computer rooms. The first ran from here to there stressed with their magazines. Bags, helmets and folders on the tables, their owners stuck in the screen writing and I give the beat flashing far (quiet photos were stolen and no one was aware of my presence).

The conference's second day that I decided to attend was on digital technology and creativity. Although I go for advertising and this conference is intended for film and TV people, the topic I attracted a lot of attention. Català Josep Maria and Mariona Omedes, led by our professor Carlos Montes, we reveled in the power of technology in film and new trends that opened new areas to explore in the audiovisual. As the minutes passed we were all captivated by the amazing projections that passed before his eyes.

All the bar. New entries and comments, laughter and photos "Lola have to record a spot for these conferences, are brutal, and no man can lose What about Pol?"

Already Friday? Last day of lectures and busting me not being able to clone and have attended other conferences because of lack of time. Today it's the last conference for me, "What must have and know a good professional digital? "Fireworks and overdose of adrenaline. Ramon Castillo (Executive Creative Director) and Ignacio Sala (director of marketing and founding partner of Catch) give us the keys to digital are good professionals. It seems that there is no exact definition, grace is indeed the inaccuracy of the answer posed by the conference. The world is changing and the profiles have to be dynamic and capable of constant adaptation to the environment.

Ramón professional speaks to absorb much information as possible (especially in the infinity of the Internet), able to deal with the emotional stuff, who controls the technology and above all and above of all are people. The media have doubled or tripled, anything can be an advertising medium, a shirt, a viral action, a state in Facebook, my grandmother recommended to nearby butcher's fifth ... (of course means I have avoided naming the common but hey they are still there and hopefully for a long time).

table mate explained the miracle of digital business and somewhat precarious beginnings. How to Catch managed to become a privileged site in the Favorites tab of the users is summarized in a phrase of his "Interner is an environment where there is only one direction, grow, grow and grow. That if, knowing how to use the tools grow more or less, and we learned to use. "

last gasp of the weary colleagues first. My friends Pol and Lola shares the same level of satisfaction than me. It was a luxury to attend the conference, has been a luxury to enjoy the lectures of these great professionals, has been lucky to make sure that yes ... I want to dedicate to this!