Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shingles And Blood In Stool

Program 39: Women's Totonacapan

(Wait a minute 11:30 and hear the program)
Go to download

How do they live their status as women totonac? Do you keep their ancestral traditions or have made changes in their work and female gender identity? What is the perspective on her body, sexuality and gender relations? In these and other questions discussed in our next program, where we as a guest Mtra. Bethia Rodriguez, who will present his book "Women in Veracruz Totonac." Listen
Saturday March 27 at 12 pm (Mexico time), for RadioLibertad, the Internet radio

Friday, March 19, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Greenville Nc


It's amazing that the government thus cape progress. That feeling of freedom you have left with the censorship of the web? Panda retrograde.

Logitech Usb Headset For Ps3 Not Working

Programme 38: Let's talk about love

Go to download

Love is one of the issues have been addressed with more emphasis and passion from literature, theater, music, painting and even science.
Despite being an everyday affair still have many edges mystery to many of us @ s @ s.

Many myths revolve around love: Is there only a great love for every human being? Is it true that we are incomplete @ s without our other half? Is it true that love is to sacrifice everything?

These and other questions the board on Saturday March 20 with the theme: "Let's talk about love." Listen
through Radio Liberty, Internet radio:

Your opinion is important to us, add us to msn or write to:
mujeresquesabenlatin @ hotmail.
com and give us high in Facebook as "Mujeresquesabenlatin Mqsl"

As promised


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Maxium Length You Can Sign For In The Military

So I lived the days Blanquerna 2010

has only been a week of days Blanquerna and I have made giant strides. Suddenly a curtain has opened my eyes and I was in the middle of a big stage. Before this the future unclear, undefined. He's there! I was able tame. Look him in the face and say that I am one of the gear needed to operate the machinery. In the days no one has told me ... but what I felt.

all began as begins the great experiences ... RINNNG, alarm clock blows my bed. Quick shower, breakfast and last sip of coffee. I'm ready.

Blanquerna The doors were full of students doing puffs waiting time between the first conference. Some were still unclear on picking. I had no doubt about it, "How to advertise on social networks? It was the first stop on my journey of three days.

wanted a good place so I went fast and I sat in the front rows. A few more quick minute and ... finally begins!

The room was flooded with social platforms, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and many other occupied Tuenti our ears for more than an hour. The experience was unique. I left wanting to open my laptop and start working my picture on the Internet, take references, to fill my contact lists and begin connecting with the various professionals that drive the world of communication. Clear to me that the Internet is an unstoppable monster that is here to stay and that will be our future. The Internet offers endless possibilities and new businesses that makes them adapt and stay constantly updated. Has anyone invented a gadget physically connect to the computer and download the latest driver update? Oskar v.3.1

That night one of the speakers, Ruben Staff, gave me a sentence "summary" via Twitter: "Listen, Think Different, provides content, generates engagement y. .. Ride the wave! ". Later I thanked the press release that hung in my blog which was visited by over 400 people that night also my list of followers had increased more than 50%. Yes, after the conference I went to do homework.

started Handheld to take some photos of ambientillo generated in the computer rooms. The first ran from here to there stressed with their magazines. Bags, helmets and folders on the tables, their owners stuck in the screen writing and I give the beat flashing far (quiet photos were stolen and no one was aware of my presence).

The conference's second day that I decided to attend was on digital technology and creativity. Although I go for advertising and this conference is intended for film and TV people, the topic I attracted a lot of attention. Català Josep Maria and Mariona Omedes, led by our professor Carlos Montes, we reveled in the power of technology in film and new trends that opened new areas to explore in the audiovisual. As the minutes passed we were all captivated by the amazing projections that passed before his eyes.

All the bar. New entries and comments, laughter and photos "Lola have to record a spot for these conferences, are brutal, and no man can lose What about Pol?"

Already Friday? Last day of lectures and busting me not being able to clone and have attended other conferences because of lack of time. Today it's the last conference for me, "What must have and know a good professional digital? "Fireworks and overdose of adrenaline. Ramon Castillo (Executive Creative Director) and Ignacio Sala (director of marketing and founding partner of Catch) give us the keys to digital are good professionals. It seems that there is no exact definition, grace is indeed the inaccuracy of the answer posed by the conference. The world is changing and the profiles have to be dynamic and capable of constant adaptation to the environment.

Ramón professional speaks to absorb much information as possible (especially in the infinity of the Internet), able to deal with the emotional stuff, who controls the technology and above all and above of all are people. The media have doubled or tripled, anything can be an advertising medium, a shirt, a viral action, a state in Facebook, my grandmother recommended to nearby butcher's fifth ... (of course means I have avoided naming the common but hey they are still there and hopefully for a long time).

table mate explained the miracle of digital business and somewhat precarious beginnings. How to Catch managed to become a privileged site in the Favorites tab of the users is summarized in a phrase of his "Interner is an environment where there is only one direction, grow, grow and grow. That if, knowing how to use the tools grow more or less, and we learned to use. "

last gasp of the weary colleagues first. My friends Pol and Lola shares the same level of satisfaction than me. It was a luxury to attend the conference, has been a luxury to enjoy the lectures of these great professionals, has been lucky to make sure that yes ... I want to dedicate to this!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Plantar Warts Turning Black

Programme 37: March 8: I do not give flowers


Go to download

March 8 has become an important date not only on the calendars of women in civil society organizations, but also the institutions around type. However, the ways in which each recalled this date are far from each other. On the one hand, women civil society emphasize the commemoration of the struggle of our ancestors to achieve recognition of the rights we enjoy every day the women of the world and that now seem the most everyday of our lives: access higher education, vote and participate in a popular election for making the most representative examples. Moreover, since many institutions and from the business sector promotes a kind of celebration that leaves aside the history and origin of this date, making it a kind Mother's Day which ends up promoting the stereotypes that have scarred women.

This Saturday March 13, join us women who know Latin, where we will discuss the history and symbolic significance of this date.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Scab In My Nose From Nose Piercing


Today I attended an interesting lecture at the conference known Blanquerna and I made a brief press release for those that do not you know you enjoyed them I was going. Later
try to delve deeper into the relevant aspects.

has Blanquerna Days kicked out with the conference "How to advertise on social networks," headed by M. Selva Orejón, an alumna of the house and a specialist in Community manager, Ruben Staff, strategist Andrea Garí praise and responsible business Tuenti.

The starting point was clear and convincing "Most advertising is heavy and unconvincing in social networks," this message was the introduction to begin creating a network where it is reflected from three different views as to create a consistent and accurate advertising from the most fashionable while staying at the Web 2.0. Ruben

Staff has done a tour of the different social networks are online and explained how it impacts each of them as users from each of these platforms can proceed to create branding and get this generate sales.

Andrea Grani Tuenti explained what and how customers who come to this network can get a good match with a reliable advertising created a good fit and achieve your objectives correctly and gaining notoriety and prestige.

Andrea Grani The key to get the message is customized according to customer and look and study the best way to approach your audience to be well received.

M. Selva Orejón a bit around the clock has explained that the key to success in social media is simply to develop a good strategy for action, break into the media and studied the right way and be patient. The rush did not lead anywhere and good reputation till today not for today but you have to bet in the medium term. The foundations of a mark on the network are only solid if built with care and dedication.


What better way is to contact one of the experts sitting on the table using the above platforms. We contacted from Twitter to Ruben Pole and have asked that we summarize the conference today at 140 characters and this is his quote: "Listen, Think Different, provides content, generates engagement and ... ride the wave!"

A good example of advertising that runs social media:

Born Blonde Original Instructions

full throttle


For many years my comings and goings in the fashion industry has made me fly behind the ear on many occasions.
At first I took the new trends like to sudden changes of direction which would not go. My father, who also is a professional within the fashion world, was my instructor and alarm that warned me of future articles that would flood the market. I still remember when I brought my first pair bell and I looked at him suspiciously.
By then I did not dominate the industry anything, nor do I think I could ever since, and as much as you empeñéis, fashion is changing a monster that feeds on a million different factors and does not answer to anyone.
a few months was super happy with my pants bells. "As could have lived without them" . One day they parked the first words that came the cigarette. That could not be! From the hood to the cigarette "So? "No more? The thing was slow to materialize and there are still many those who did not want to go in this fashion and have stayed with straight pants. It took me a lot inside.
Those pants were ridiculous. Were spending of almost no bumps enormous feet wearing sneakers that were a chilling outdoors. GOD! change was brutal, horrible and heartbreaking. Finally connect with the fashion but in moderation and I started collecting but not super skinny jeans slims (sorry cheap monday's but I superáis), neither too much nor too little. Well
some years Who am I off the alarm to my father about the upcoming trends and the day has come that exceeds your worst nightmare. He always said that garrulos were white socks and when I saw one of the said item had bound feet. Sorry Daddy but dangerously close.

For some time now, the trends flies hovering behind my ear and now has landed on my nose. All indicators are lit to see that other changes are biting at the door. "OPEN, WHITE SOCKS ARE HERE"
are several videos I've seen this trend and any person on the street and everything has its logic.
- The recent death of Michael Jackson (though I still think that it is not gone)
- The popularity of Lady Gaga and iconic staging Gay for the sector.
- The fashion of the pads that have shaped fashion magazines and have forced many young people to customize their clothes.
- And in general the eighties aesthetic that permeates the atmosphere makes me predict that the white socks are the next cool icon.

Well it's not easy to imagine such beauty first but today I found one of those videos are 100% geeks who have nailed the key to success, and I refer to your crappy song Facebook I post on to sweep across the network if not its aesthetic fantastic scene. Super slim cigarette pants and short, SOCKS WHITE and pointed shoes.
will have to bite the bullet and begin to assimilate this change that soon will end up loving it. The truth is that I see him grace.
What is clear is that Michael is still with us and my father increasingly opening their eyes when I throw a novelty.

I leave the video and you tell me: