Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Born Blonde Original Instructions

full throttle


For many years my comings and goings in the fashion industry has made me fly behind the ear on many occasions.
At first I took the new trends like to sudden changes of direction which would not go. My father, who also is a professional within the fashion world, was my instructor and alarm that warned me of future articles that would flood the market. I still remember when I brought my first pair bell and I looked at him suspiciously.
By then I did not dominate the industry anything, nor do I think I could ever since, and as much as you empeñéis, fashion is changing a monster that feeds on a million different factors and does not answer to anyone.
a few months was super happy with my pants bells. "As could have lived without them" . One day they parked the first words that came the cigarette. That could not be! From the hood to the cigarette "So? "No more? The thing was slow to materialize and there are still many those who did not want to go in this fashion and have stayed with straight pants. It took me a lot inside.
Those pants were ridiculous. Were spending of almost no bumps enormous feet wearing sneakers that were a chilling outdoors. GOD! change was brutal, horrible and heartbreaking. Finally connect with the fashion but in moderation and I started collecting but not super skinny jeans slims (sorry cheap monday's but I superáis), neither too much nor too little. Well
some years Who am I off the alarm to my father about the upcoming trends and the day has come that exceeds your worst nightmare. He always said that garrulos were white socks and when I saw one of the said item had bound feet. Sorry Daddy but dangerously close.

For some time now, the trends flies hovering behind my ear and now has landed on my nose. All indicators are lit to see that other changes are biting at the door. "OPEN, WHITE SOCKS ARE HERE"
are several videos I've seen this trend and any person on the street and everything has its logic.
- The recent death of Michael Jackson (though I still think that it is not gone)
- The popularity of Lady Gaga and iconic staging Gay for the sector.
- The fashion of the pads that have shaped fashion magazines and have forced many young people to customize their clothes.
- And in general the eighties aesthetic that permeates the atmosphere makes me predict that the white socks are the next cool icon.

Well it's not easy to imagine such beauty first but today I found one of those videos are 100% geeks who have nailed the key to success, and I refer to your crappy song Facebook I post on to sweep across the network if not its aesthetic fantastic scene. Super slim cigarette pants and short, SOCKS WHITE and pointed shoes.
will have to bite the bullet and begin to assimilate this change that soon will end up loving it. The truth is that I see him grace.
What is clear is that Michael is still with us and my father increasingly opening their eyes when I throw a novelty.

I leave the video and you tell me:


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