Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Where Can I Find Jthm For Free Online

IE7, I expected anything but this I stressed the IE

Today has given me to install IE7 on the computer at work (not sure they find out that does not make them very funny), but I installed the version that is not crushed to version 6.
I expected the worst, and what I found most curious is the tilde on the N does not leave if I write the

entity. I do not know if it does not because something is wrong or because as I've installed some unofficial, has its shortcomings. Still, it is very rare, especially when HTML entities is something defined by the W3C and also appears in IE6. Total
that if someone uses IE7 and see this good character (~), to tell me not to worry (as if I cared not to go out in IE7).

Monday, October 23, 2006

How To Fix A Squeky Spin Bike

application and as always use Firefox, then I find that out the same in Opera and IE. It works smoothly for a change. IE does not nothing but trouble for a change.
I've spent all, just missing that leave me BĂ©lmez
faces, first a hand painted recuardo that if some do not, and if you move the scroll is blurred what was hidden, fixed using a
"position: relative ", of \u200b\u200bcourse, that no idea why he solves the case, but following the maxim of programming, if it works, do not touch. After a few legends about 200px thumbnails displaced out right, and no idea of \u200b\u200bthe cause, nor was positioning no margins, no scrolling, no nothing. All he had was a "float: left" in the father ... but his nose! is the father, why should the rest of the elements contained in the parent is not going to ride like the paragraph of the legend?. Solution?, I do not remember, but I think I put another "position: relative"
Then came the problems with absolute positioning, which in FF and Opera did as he was supposed IE and did what she pleased. Solution?, For a living, because here I could not use "position: relative"
Well, Einstein said it (or any other) everything is "relative." Luckily I have not installed IE7, because then it does cut my veins. Well, as I find "as I can install IE7, then go into crisis.

Update: One more, now a link to
"border: 1px solid # 000000" that is in a span with "float: left" , it shows me the top and bottom border. Peeeeeeero, if I put the span "padding: 10px" , then the edges are perfect. If you want a detailed explanation email the IE Service.

Friday, October 20, 2006

2000 R6 With Shorty Exhaust


One of the things I like is meeting new sites thanks to the comments and people refer to both Web Sense. Therefore I met a blogger with a graphic work that I liked a lot (who would!). Nothing, if one does me the honor to write a comment, please put your website, I loved to visit.


Thursday, October 5, 2006

Dress Shops On Spadina Toronto

J2EE and web services is not the same

thing to endure. Today I
J2EE and replied that yes, I have 6 years working on it. Moreover, he should have said that the work I do for him is everything with J2EE but hey, caught me by surprise and gave me only joking and that if he knew nothing about J2EE after 6 years, was to slit my wrists. Total
that a man insists on my knowledge and information and the time tells me that he had told an internal (thought the smartest) thing to happen to me that meant making a web service
and colleague tells him no, because I do not know J2EE.
How?, "I do not know J2EE?, But what has to do with J2EE web services?, Okay, the J2EE API has
for web services, but also the
. NET and many others. Yes I said I've never done a web service, but did not know anything about Oracle Workflow of PHP of AJAX and many other things I've learned that alone and use daily. But nothing happens, I look for in Google and made a web service in three kicks. Worst of all is that the person who says I do not know that J2EE is asked how he could take an array of chars and break it into chunks of 100 in 100 ... eehhhh, uffff, puessss ... "A for
I mean, what I have to endure.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Temapt Wedding Di Jakarta

Evento Blog Viva Spain

my blog-family the "soul" of Web Sense , Have engaged in organizing a major event for the English blogosphere: Blog Event . Together with other personalities and large speakers , especially Matt Mullenweg (total, n ').

Event Blog Spain (EBE06), be the first event of national scope that will look from different points of view, the evolution of the blog phenomenon in our country, without losing sight of what is happening in the blogosphere in general and in the Hispanic world in particular.

luck to the organizers.