Thursday, July 19, 2007

Realy Deep Penitratoin


is a chain of shops offering handmade products brought directly from Japan Vietnam, China and other parts of Asia . There we can find everything from decor to clothing. Vases, tea sets and "kimono" Vietnamese highlight just enter any store, but a second glance you can see more products that caught our attention: pictures, paper flowers and more. Why talk of an Asian food store in a blog focused on web?, Mainly because Fushioko belongs to some friends of mine, and I know a good thing worth talking about it. In part, because I like the website that I develop my friend, who in addition to employer's computer.

is developed in Flash, is multilingual, and although still under development, has a great presentation, with 3D models designed and developed by themselves. The sound control is implemented from scratch (in which I participated in the testing) and the change of images makes it all look easy and smooth.

The other day I read in Loogic changing advertising design, in this case I'm going to put advertising on the sites that I think are worthwhile. Fushioko
For those interested, the stores are located in Madrid: CC

Principe Pio G4
Local Pso. Florida, 2 Madrid

H2Ocio CC Parque Empresarial Rivas Futura
, Local LB24

C / Marie Curie, 4

Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rapadura For Brown Sugar

Blogegos iPhone

tired "of the blogosphere navel-gazing, chasing the latest news or looking to become more intelligent than others" . With Federico I have no treatment, apart from reading your blog and receive any comments on Web Sense has always brought something new, corrected some little thing or something equally interesting. Although he did not know, I can not agree more with him.
Many times I have commented to
that the less I like about the blogosphere are
egos blog with many bloggers. When a blog consists of one or more people start to believe be stars in the whole world, I will remove the Google Reader, which certainly do not care, but you see where I post book I'm type -cool-molo-galore-and-I'm-here-to-be tackling-your-existence. Like I told JL, if ever display: none or Web Sense
beginning to show a lack of humility, I give permission to whom want to get a birth ruthlessly, and if that's not enough I say where I live to break my legs.
Which is what made me write this today? as a friendly email asking us to push ourselves
in Web Sense erase an article which we copied. I'm not saying the post in question because it does not seem correct to say, but if you leyerais, you would see that this is not to duplicate, but to reference, in addition to the blog in question has
Creative Commons license and if I I do not break it. As data, I think the 105 words of the post of Web Sense, not a duplicate of the 825 thereof.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Russiam Bare E Natural


Today I read in El Pais that the iPhone I love technology, but one thing is that it is another thing to spend $ 600 on something that you will not use even half of things. Not that you are too aware, but to my knowledge no radio ... And how hear Gomaespuma seek
?!, Well, is not that much of that program. There is also no GPS (I repeat, I know), but however if you are in charge of putting a map of a street for people to make a false idea, that same map is how to access Google Maps and see where I go, and GPS satellites are replaced by three old men sitting in the park who wonder how to get to the street just Easter.
Anyway, if you freak cómpratelo, and strip or resell the iPod that you bought by freak also, why do you want for your iPod if you already have the iPhone?.
People now want to see your website in the iPod, the truth is that it seems foolish to resize your browser to 320x480 and you will see more or less similar. I still am excited to see

Pownce on the iPod, the coolest most freak.
must be
Gylippus ... , but hey, seeing the face of freak who has bought the first, understood.