Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rapadura For Brown Sugar

Blogegos iPhone

tired "of the blogosphere navel-gazing, chasing the latest news or looking to become more intelligent than others" . With Federico I have no treatment, apart from reading your blog and receive any comments on Web Sense has always brought something new, corrected some little thing or something equally interesting. Although he did not know, I can not agree more with him.
Many times I have commented to
that the less I like about the blogosphere are
egos blog with many bloggers. When a blog consists of one or more people start to believe be stars in the whole world, I will remove the Google Reader, which certainly do not care, but you see where I post book I'm type -cool-molo-galore-and-I'm-here-to-be tackling-your-existence. Like I told JL, if ever display: none or Web Sense
beginning to show a lack of humility, I give permission to whom want to get a birth ruthlessly, and if that's not enough I say where I live to break my legs.
Which is what made me write this today? as a friendly email asking us to push ourselves
in Web Sense erase an article which we copied. I'm not saying the post in question because it does not seem correct to say, but if you leyerais, you would see that this is not to duplicate, but to reference, in addition to the blog in question has
Creative Commons license and if I I do not break it. As data, I think the 105 words of the post of Web Sense, not a duplicate of the 825 thereof.


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