Friday, April 15, 2011

Cramping Before Expected Period

Training Plan 2011: Legality

During the first quarter of this year have generated many complaints about the training courses planned for the PAS official .

The excessive delay in the convening of the Committee on Education, which did not meet until this week, has conditioned a number of problems and delays in the adoption and implementation of training plan for 2011. Difficulties have been increased by the wrong approach in some of the training activities developed. Therefore

CCOO submitted a proposal to the Board of the PAS official whose contents were then transferred to the management to rectify the situation :
  1. CCOO Protest on training
The Most of the complaints received are for the limitation of the current centralized Service staff without giving option to the rest of the PAS official. For that reason it is proposed that the workshop be extended to all official PAS increasing the number of issues and giving preference to those who have not received training in earlier ACCESS and EXCEL.

With regard to content management workshop on the web, the complaints focus on the obligation of assistance for administrators and collaborators as well as Point the fact that they have been informed that content management is a function of these administrative units.

The first aspect is to remember that this course can not be compulsory for anyone because it is "specific training", but "cross training" as outlined in the presentation of the training plan and alone can assistance be required the first, in accordance with paragraph a) of the Introduction in Part I of the Rules of Formation of PAS (as amended at the meeting of February 4, 2010):
"a) Training specific: [...] attendance activities Specific Training is mandatory for those workers whose jobs are directly related to the training activity, [...]" As to

second issue, to clarify that this is not a function of any workplace of the PAS official. There has been negotiated the introduction of new features in this area and are issues related to quality improvement, in any case, should be discussed in the future and always linked to incentive mechanisms (in the same way as has been done with the teacher). So now it is only permissible from a voluntary perspective of who were interested as well and never mandatory.

This year has seen another similar complaints to the restrictive nature, in this case only go to the headquarters (Service Section, Bureau ...), when it is of great interest for all PAS official, regardless of the position to deal.

It is clear that most of the problems have been caused by a lack of functioning of the Training Committee as having met and have discussed these issues would be resolved , in an appropriate way from the beginning.

to justify the postponement of the meetings have said that missing part of the representation, as the Works of PAS was working in elections. But he has forgotten to do so is totally detrimental to our training, the regulation does not impose any delay on this basis and that even the Regulation allows operation without the assistance of all members.
holding a plenary session of the Committee on Education this week, we note that this situation was resolved.


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