Friday, April 29, 2011

Red Area On Tip Of Tongue

April 28: International Day for Safety and Health at Work

As every year, unions have celebrated April 28 with a double objective: a remembrance and recognition to people who have lost their lives and health at work under inadequate conditions, and precisely why , a day to highlight the work-related injury are preventable, and that employers and government have important responsibilities in prevention. CCOO

in Canary want to make a special impact on psychosocial risks, so we inserted several articles on this subject in the April issue of our magazine Earth Canaria
human rights and labor (page 8), which analyzes the original causes of psychosocial risks.
union intervention counteracts psychosocial risks (page 10), which explains the importance of union work to monitor non-compliance in the prevention of occupational hazards. Stop the persecution
psychological work (page 16), which explains what bullying and "mobbing" and how to fight.
violence and bullying in the workplace continue to grow (page 22), with data and references this problem in Europe.

Also included is a new article entitled pregnant worker who harasses when the Mutual (page 24). The report denounced a recent practice that is becoming habitual and showing that mutual economic criteria take precedence over the protection of health.

  1. April 2011 Issue of Land Canaria


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