Monday, April 25, 2011

Painful Stomach Pimple

This year we have 2 more days of leave

Point 3 of the provision ninth (on holiday permits and licenses) in the resolution of December 20, 2005, the General Secretariat for Public Administration, which instructions are issued on time and work schedules (BOE number 309 of December 27, 2005) provides:
  1. "3 .- ; [...] work schedules incorporate two additional days of leave for their own affairs when 24 and December 31 fall on a holiday, Saturday or non-working day. "
So that this year 2011 we will enjoy two days of leave for their own affairs, as the next 24 and December 31 fall on Saturday.

The origin of this provision is in the agreement reached in 2005 between the central government and unions to establish measures to improve pay, reconciling work and family life as well as improvements in holidays and leave. Agreement was a step forward in strengthening the rights of all as the / as public employees / as, and have been maintained over time despite attempts to make cuts.
  1. Full text of the resolution published in the BOE
  2. Vacation Agreement between Management and the Board of PAS official (see Article 9 on page 6)
  3. Instruction PAS vacation for work (see Article 13 on page 10)


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