Sunday, November 4, 2007

Average Size Of Boobs In The Caribbean

Linux Gallery 3 - I 2

I was
given to install Linux on a laptop, sharing it with Vista, total no. I've always played away from Linux, some projects used it, a Live CD and an installation in VMWare.

Now I seriously want to get into Linux and Windows spend more but to be honest, it's costing me. Beginning to make the dual boot between Vista and Kubuntu, which I did not know it initially began with the partition of Vista, I get Kubuntu thanks to EasyBCD, but when I go to Kubuntu once I get Vista due to Grub, now, that I can not jump from one to another for hours without actually accessing any operating system.

Why Kubuntu? Ubuntu is because sencillito for novices and KDE because I have recommended. The first problem I encountered were the drivers of the wifi, but I could install it, after a few fights between Linux, the other connection and the lack of innate ability I have. Once this test, it seemed it would be a breeze, and thanks to this I learned how things were installed Kubuntu (kubuntu point in favor of it because I like much more than Windows, and neither have you in Vista, with latazo giving permission to install things).

3-2 The reason is because the wifi is unconfigures me all the time, to see if I spend a little more time and trace the party. I

Friday, October 5, 2007

Tumor On Dog's Tongue

cache and Other Stories About

been reading an article by Ricardo Galli on Twitter , scalability and various other things, and hopefully not disturb what I mean, all that has interested me are the comments.

In these, Galli, demimismo , RVR Alvaro and held an exchange of ideas on whether it is better PHP or RoR , if the cache here or databases master-slave over there and more.

I'm not an expert on these things and give them to me even less so, but I go into some doubt about some things to say.

menéame Galli says it only uses a server and does not need cache ... eehhhh ... Oyeee ... it might be true. I hope that a single web server refers to, because they think it's one for the web and BD together. I have not seen menéame code, but a pal that he has given himself for that (I think for penance for something), I said it was a bit chaotic, and chaos is usually no friend of Mr. performance, but good not doubt the code.

What impresses me most is that he says before he puts it to use cache servers do not know what a thousand bundles of BD (I can not remember and happened to read me again all that to look). To me the comment I find amazing is like saying that if you go wrong with your wife, because you looking for a lover to the bad times with her passes. No, man, go to a therapist and to fix your marriage ... Same thing, instead of putting a machine again, make the code, sure that the code can be optimized and add cache to not pull both PHP, RoR or whatever you use for programming. Indeed, the BD do not ever put him or improve query rates, total, you stick a master-slave db, master-master, active-active or illegal workshop slaves seeking data and send them to hair.

Another thing that has left me a little fly is the desire of some to relate optimal code with fewer lines of code. The number of lines code has little to do with how good the code, especially as certain that in those 10 lines of code calls a function that can be yours fatally implemented (not saying that it is, but it may be the case .) I remember when the news broke that someone had been able to crack a DVD with 7 lines of code, the subject is never mentioned that the developer had broken the ENTER key.

Following the conversation, otherwise I do not understand is the issue of using frameworks. Using a framework does not have anything bad, bad is to use a suboptimal framework. It is clear that either the framework is very good, or if you can do many things that the application is not everything in the world optimum. But let's face it, we all use a "framework" either we or the BD layer that offers CodeIgniter (I like this framework), but ultimately we all use libraries to do things. Which is developed from scratch does not mean anything at all, except that it has developed a good programmer.

After reading this post I began to read a presentation on architecture shaker that is quite interesting, but one thing I do not understand, say, "if the user is logged: the lighttpd serves the static page , and fill Ajax cacheable content is not (much lighter than request serving a full-page dispatch, even if the cache). "My question is this, if a page is dynamic has several areas that are loaded with Ajax, this implies that several HTTP requests made and will make several queries to BD. "In truth this is more optimal to have a page divided into part cacheable and dynamic part which combines the two types of content on a page?, because I have no idea, but at first glance it seems to me most optimal use cache for cacheable parts and add the dynamic part, besides being able to optimize queries to BD if done in a single run. People

Friday, August 24, 2007

Curly Auburn Hair Actress

Entrepreneurial Event Blog Spain 2007

Event Blog Spain
warn of a table of entrepreneurs to EBE07 , this is not something you normally have in this blog, but it's worth the work that the organizers

On Saturday November 24 in EBE 07 companies and entrepreneurs will again have a showcase in which to present their new projects related in one way or another with the blogosphere and the participatory web.

  • Bases Bases for entrepreneurs EBE table 07 (PDF) 07 EBE
welcomes friends from Seville for Active Networking undoubtedly the best company that is promoting the synergies between entrepreneurship Hispanic network that will work with us in the management and evolution of the table, taking, among other responsibilities, the master of ceremonies in the person of Emilio Márquez .

Deadline for receipt of projects

From today, July 26, 2007 until Friday October 26 at 23:59 H, is the time for entrepreneurs to send us an executive summary of your project to be met 2 prerequisites:

  • been released publicly, or at least can be accessed by invitation and
  • permitting interactivity through the publication of user content
  • Executive Summary

The summary should not spanning more than one page DIN A-4 size and should include 4 sections:

  • Project description,
  • Market Value added it is addressed and
  • Similar initiatives
  • or Competition.
The summary will be sent to the following emails: info (at) November 1 will be published on our website and in the Active Networking Blog
10 projects (maximum) finalists will be presented during the morning of Saturday 24 November at EBE 07. As of November 1, entrepreneurs have a period of 10 calendar days to send submissions in. Pp or. Ppt
For more information please download the complete documentation
or leave your questions via comments or our contact form

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Realy Deep Penitratoin


is a chain of shops offering handmade products brought directly from Japan Vietnam, China and other parts of Asia . There we can find everything from decor to clothing. Vases, tea sets and "kimono" Vietnamese highlight just enter any store, but a second glance you can see more products that caught our attention: pictures, paper flowers and more. Why talk of an Asian food store in a blog focused on web?, Mainly because Fushioko belongs to some friends of mine, and I know a good thing worth talking about it. In part, because I like the website that I develop my friend, who in addition to employer's computer.

is developed in Flash, is multilingual, and although still under development, has a great presentation, with 3D models designed and developed by themselves. The sound control is implemented from scratch (in which I participated in the testing) and the change of images makes it all look easy and smooth.

The other day I read in Loogic changing advertising design, in this case I'm going to put advertising on the sites that I think are worthwhile. Fushioko
For those interested, the stores are located in Madrid: CC

Principe Pio G4
Local Pso. Florida, 2 Madrid

H2Ocio CC Parque Empresarial Rivas Futura
, Local LB24

C / Marie Curie, 4

Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rapadura For Brown Sugar

Blogegos iPhone

tired "of the blogosphere navel-gazing, chasing the latest news or looking to become more intelligent than others" . With Federico I have no treatment, apart from reading your blog and receive any comments on Web Sense has always brought something new, corrected some little thing or something equally interesting. Although he did not know, I can not agree more with him.
Many times I have commented to
that the less I like about the blogosphere are
egos blog with many bloggers. When a blog consists of one or more people start to believe be stars in the whole world, I will remove the Google Reader, which certainly do not care, but you see where I post book I'm type -cool-molo-galore-and-I'm-here-to-be tackling-your-existence. Like I told JL, if ever display: none or Web Sense
beginning to show a lack of humility, I give permission to whom want to get a birth ruthlessly, and if that's not enough I say where I live to break my legs.
Which is what made me write this today? as a friendly email asking us to push ourselves
in Web Sense erase an article which we copied. I'm not saying the post in question because it does not seem correct to say, but if you leyerais, you would see that this is not to duplicate, but to reference, in addition to the blog in question has
Creative Commons license and if I I do not break it. As data, I think the 105 words of the post of Web Sense, not a duplicate of the 825 thereof.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Russiam Bare E Natural


Today I read in El Pais that the iPhone I love technology, but one thing is that it is another thing to spend $ 600 on something that you will not use even half of things. Not that you are too aware, but to my knowledge no radio ... And how hear Gomaespuma seek
?!, Well, is not that much of that program. There is also no GPS (I repeat, I know), but however if you are in charge of putting a map of a street for people to make a false idea, that same map is how to access Google Maps and see where I go, and GPS satellites are replaced by three old men sitting in the park who wonder how to get to the street just Easter.
Anyway, if you freak cómpratelo, and strip or resell the iPod that you bought by freak also, why do you want for your iPod if you already have the iPhone?.
People now want to see your website in the iPod, the truth is that it seems foolish to resize your browser to 320x480 and you will see more or less similar. I still am excited to see

Pownce on the iPod, the coolest most freak.
must be
Gylippus ... , but hey, seeing the face of freak who has bought the first, understood.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Nightmare On Campus Watch

Many ideas, little time

The other day talking with Christian told me that First Tuesday (which incidentally was a Thursday) or Initiator , can not remember who told me there were many people who needed Nosecuantos hundred thousand euros to start your web project. I join the initiative. Please, someone who would over the pasta to invest in me, I have many ideas and little time. Why do I need a good amount of money?, Because to have time to develop an idea I have to quit my job
, time to devote to it
almost complete and have a good level of life. say almost because of course I'm not neglecting Web Sense, because, among other things, I am very grateful to the people of Media Blogs and Web Sense is something that is part of me, and I'm not going to leave out the little thing where I'm stuck now with other people. Of course, a condition not bother me to account, if I pleased to distribute benefits, but if not, bad luck, would not risk investment?, Because that is the risk that you can mess up.
Moreover, while writing this I have thought of another idea ... God! I can not stop it.

: If
he succeeds, there will be hope for someone like me. And I do not want to leave *** badly, if not, I'm in for part of the developers, it's OK that you do not wish mileuristas, not all consultants in all to 100 (even if they have 5000 employees ) that the less copper is best for them. Yes, I did business idea, but if he asks 400,000 euros, will he make sufficient profits to return and that investors earn their pocket money?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bmx Bikes For 70-90 Dollars

good thing about being Problems with JSON

It's been over a year I am blogger. Last January I got to create Although my teaching work has been scarce and the money is still scarce, at least I've got other things to do to be blogger is a good thing. Thanks to display: none
, JL
asked me to collaborate on Web Sense , which has been one of the most positive things that happened to me lately (removing personal matters, of course). With JL learn a lot and everything, you learn about how the world of Internet, advertising on bloggeril methodology and much more. JL and Gabriel
are visible to me Media Blogs
, apart from some very nice guys, a pleasure to deal with them, are the most honest of the world, making everyone believe you so in this world and when you meet a character, you get a surprise fat. Because an article
Web Sense appeared in my mail one day
Chris , which has also been a big surprise that the blogosphere or the Internet to dry. More of the same, I think everyone has their quality and I was disappointed to see that not always the case. All I can say against Chris is that he refuses to make the trunk in one of his trips, which are few. And it is not here, because I know another JL JL (was fashionable that name at the time of our fathers?), We bit together, but you see where to meet the two previous features, nice and honest (I have wanted to meet a real @ #% $
, because I'm going to turn a nerd at this rate.
What conclusions this bag?, which has helped me to meet interesting people and are helping me to improve on this. Is it enough?, Yes, worth reading as many feeds to change this. And that's not going to blogs & beers and various events, I am somewhat asocial cyber and I do not go those "Tinglao", but sure this list would increase considerably, but surely the other list dedicated to the chusmilla rise from zero today to N bit desired.
But that's not all, well, if there is a masochist who has taken to keep reading. One of the most important things I got from all this was to be the day of the computer world. I, though I admit though, using charts, yes, I know, I am ashamed of it, but I removed and not use, I am a new developer. Ajax did not know, and now but still the same, at least I made a couple of entries in Web Sense trying to prove otherwise. WordPress did not know and I got to make an extension (which at least had the decency to improve), and even gave me an extension to Firefox. And even
type entries Way / ...
that is so often criticized in the blogosphere help me to learn, because if I put it is because I find them interesting and I hope they are for others. Total, in short, that if not for Web Sense would continue with my tables and the like.
Within another year, another article which says that least I know a little of what I mean.

, this time I did not say who you directly, then you go up the colors)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chickenpox And Blood In Stool

blogger and Gentlemen

commented the other day with a maximum var obj = {value: "", function: function () {this.valor = ... ;}}

When using this
to refer to something of order sometimes does not seem to work and to have the behavior you want, you must use the object name (
obj) to work properly. My question: Why?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

How To Word Noon On Wedding Invitation

this Firefox extension developers

I am the first to make mistakes in programming, scheduling may not as clean as it should. By this I make it clear that I do not want to give the super-developer layer and underwear over his pants, but yes, I would call (you will not hear anyone) so that the extensions for Firefox Javascript correct their errors, because in my own Firebug I get errors every time.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Colloidal Silver Shoulder Pain

little problem with JSON

Now it appears all over the This is when you create an array of properties:

var object = {"param1", value1, 'param2', value2, ... "ParamN" valueN
 Failure} clearly seen in the final   paramN a comma, when supposedly should not have. The swallows Firefox but does not create an extra element, IE swallows but also creates an extra element 
undefined. Which of the two is wrong?, Because I think both, should not accept that there was a comma (or at least that is what is stated in
, Firefox does not create element when it encounters a comma, but it is logical to create an item, yes, do not believe that we not Javascript error. IE creates it and creates an undefined
element that has some logic, but as Firefox, not logic create a element. For this reason, that nonsense makes me go crazy looking for what a script does not behave the same in Firefox or IE.